QELServ Forum

Development / Design => Map Bugs/Comments => Topic started by: Emc2 on 2010-01-28 03:02 (Thu)

Title: Senzon 3 mob respawn bug
Post by: Emc2 on 2010-01-28 03:02 (Thu)
Panda Bear respawn in build.
(http://images46.fotosik.pl/252/ead125dac329da5amed.png) (http://www.fotosik.pl)

(http://images37.fotosik.pl/248/44578332294eb451med.png) (http://www.fotosik.pl)

Title: Re: Senzon 3 mob respawn bug
Post by: Kain_Meiz on 2010-01-28 03:17 (Thu)
good job, m8 <3

Title: Re: Senzon 3 mob respawn bug
Post by: Korrode on 2010-01-28 10:20 (Thu)
damn that SenZon and his walkable tiles in buildings :<

thanks for the report. will be fixed next data update :)

Title: Re: Senzon 3 mob respawn bug
Post by: LittleLooter on 2010-01-30 23:33 (Sat)
0 pandas....all got stuck...only 1 black bear.....and i spotted a leopard in a rock too, so nothing to farm for ghp exept polars^^

Title: Re: Senzon 3 mob respawn bug
Post by: Korrode on 2010-01-31 00:41 (Sun)
ok well i just fixed the map.

it's in usual place. senzon03-1.elm

once krayon puts it on server we'll put out new data/installer.

Title: Re: Senzon 3 mob respawn bug
Post by: krayon on 2010-02-01 01:05 (Mon)
I have put a new map on the server containing Korrode's fixes as well as many more.  It should solve the issues of creatures spawning inside buildings etc. however there's quite a bit of bank work still needed on this map.  At this stage clients probably don't need the new map as it's mainly heightmap related.