Title: Mumble server (murmur) Post by: krayon on 2009-11-07 17:23 (Sat) For kicks and giggles I've setup a Mumble server (the server component is called murmur FYI), primarily for use with QELServ testing.
Those not familiar with Mumble/Murmur can read some info at http://mumble.sourceforge.net/ but basically it's like TeamSpeak or that other one that starts with V (I forget) but a fair bit better and Open Source. If you don't know what THEY are, they are like Skype but not evil(tm) :P I find it's so good at picking up when I'm talking or not, something that Skype fails hardcore at. I'm not promising anything but it may even work for Senzon (anyone who's been on Skype with him knows what I'm talking about - that dude's house is LOUD!) :D Connect and say hi if you like (authenticate using your forum details). Server address: mumble://mumble.quadronyx.org/ More info: http://quadronyx.org/mumble/ Screeny: (http://www.quadronyx.org/mumble/mumble01.png) Someone plx come on and try it out with me. |