Title: Hi lol Post by: pride on 2010-01-15 11:58 (Fri) Hi Guys and Gals >;3
looking forward to trying this when servers go up D: Title: Re: Hi lol Post by: kavvie on 2010-01-15 20:51 (Fri) Welcome :)
OT: whenever I have the EL client open it changes the gamma of everything I'm using. (i.e. Makes my screen darker/lighter by adjusting it in the client) Title: Re: Hi lol Post by: krayon on 2010-01-15 21:38 (Fri) OT: whenever I have the EL client open it changes the gamma of everything I'm using. (i.e. Makes my screen darker/lighter by adjusting it in the client) By a fair bit you crazy l00n :DIt's probably due to the gamma correction being applied to your video card itself. I too find it rather jarring when you change apps and EVERYTHING goes lighter/darker. Title: Re: Hi lol Post by: pride on 2010-01-16 08:08 (Sat) whee I'm on :P can't find anything to fight though :<
Title: Re: Hi lol Post by: kavvie on 2010-01-16 22:25 (Sat) atm we're in the process of figuring out spawn points for the mobs, once that's done we're one step closer to spawning the mobs.