Title: my ideas Post by: Kain_Meiz on 2010-01-28 07:59 (Thu) Yo,
I think that critic rate and weapon dmg is overpowered (in PKing) also (if connected with 15 cooldown potions-> 15 second fight max). SHP gives 200 hp and has 15 sec cooldown.. it's a lot cooldown even for this hp cuz of hits, even deer or wolf critic too much :/ (i know that deer is boss) This medium potion gives 100 hp and has same cooldown, just weight 2 emu less. Can't it be decreased to 1/2 of it? I tried team with 2 ppl (3 ppl total) to team cyclop with 80/80 a/d and best builds for mobs. after 5 minutes of ganging it it got 7500/8000 hp. and if cap is 100/100 than i don't want see 30 players with 100/100 trying kill poor cycie ;) in 3 days i'll have free time ( no school) i'll try learn how to make ugly maps in editor, and so try to help u, guys:) Title: Re: my ideas Post by: Korrode on 2010-01-28 10:09 (Thu) The issue with PvP fights being too short and lucky crit-dmg dictating fights is being addressed :) ty for the feedback on it though, good to know others feel the same.
As for the Cyclops, at 80 a/d he isn't meant to be easy at all, try a Cockatrice with friends. Title: Re: my ideas Post by: kavvie on 2010-01-28 11:37 (Thu) yeah, we took down a cyclops with 5 100 a/d'ers. as korrode said, at 80 a/d cyclops should be extremely hard.
the potions being same cooldown is how it's supposed to be, they are for different levels. 40hp for level 0-30 etc. Title: Re: my ideas Post by: Kain_Meiz on 2010-01-29 01:42 (Fri) I'm creating map right now, I'm n00b in making it but i try it w/ my best.
That's screenie of 10% completed ;) http://img710.imageshack.us/i/screenshot102p.jpg/ it 's taken from underground cuz i swapped it with first map to test it ;) There r krayon01's map monster and me:(underwater) http://yfrog.com/0vscreenshot101tmj :) Title: Re: my ideas Post by: krayon on 2010-01-29 12:47 (Fri) it 's taken from underground cuz i swapped it with first map to test it ;) Hopefully the Quadronyx Map Centre ( http://qelmapcentre.quadronyx.org/ ) (http://qelmapcentre.quadronyx.org/) will be up and running soon :S It is designed for map makers to test their maps quickly and easily, as it would appear in game.There r krayon01's map monster and me:(underwater) http://yfrog.com/0vscreenshot101tmj Title: Re: my ideas Post by: Kain_Meiz on 2010-01-30 00:03 (Sat) Thx \o/ tbh, how much time is "soon"?:p