Title: kwayver3 (3rd map - imps, gobs) Post by: LightLan on 2008-11-08 20:12 (Sat) there are a lot of paths which are just 1 tile wide, so you can easily get stuck if 2 players(or 2 goblins which are way to strong for you :P) block you in.
I suggest making paths at least 2, preferably 3 or more tiles wide :) EDIT BY KRAYON: Changed subject to use map name Title: Re: kwayver3 (3rd map - imps, gobs) Post by: krayon on 2008-11-08 23:53 (Sat) Indeed pathways are an issue and something that all map makers should be aware of. Hopefully this will be fixed soon.
Title: Re: kwayver3 (3rd map - imps, gobs) Post by: kwayver on 2008-11-11 09:59 (Tue) thanks for giving me the heads up guys, all current paths will be widened and future ones will not suffer the same fate.
Title: Re: kwayver3 (3rd map - imps, gobs) Post by: krayon on 2008-12-19 00:15 (Fri) Stool @ 30,32 should be stand-onable :P
Also, map should have it's dungeon flag set as atm it has sky. Also it probably needs some lights around, as specially when it's dungeon. Regarding the path widening... @ approx 63,37, the "stairs" will need to be widened to make it workable (as well as the entrance). |