QELServ Forum

Development / Design => Map Bugs/Comments => Topic started by: kwayver on 2008-11-11 09:58 (Tue)

Title: Submitting map bug basic form
Post by: kwayver on 2008-11-11 09:58 (Tue)
This is a form im currently working on for submitting map bugs. if everyone can endeavour to follow these recommended fields of info, it will make finding and fixing these bugs much easier and faster.

Map Name:
Location (X,Y):
Nature of problem: (e.g terrain/object clipping, floating objects (that are not meant to be floating), seams in textures/objects, error with interactive object)

if possible, include a screenshot.

thanks in advance.

P.S fallen, if you could sticky this, that'd be wikiiiid

Title: Re: Submitting map bug basic form
Post by: Korrode on 2008-11-11 17:47 (Tue)
WB to the QELServ project bro :D :P

Pending additional requirements from the other map maker(s), your requested method of bug reporting is the official one.

Title: Re: Submitting map bug basic form
Post by: krayon on 2008-11-11 18:37 (Tue)
Further to this, i would think 1 forum post per map should be sufficient (as I've started here already).

Title: Re: Submitting map bug basic form
Post by: kwayver on 2008-11-12 00:59 (Wed)
easy implementation for that might be that whenever a new map is integrated into the server, a thread for that map is created in the bugs forum. new threads may not be made, however posts in existing threads could be allowed. then map related bugs that are non-specific could either go in the general bugs section or in an additional thread called "general bugs" in the map glitch forum.