Title: XMPP/Jabber server Post by: krayon on 2008-11-18 14:29 (Tue) Just wanted to let everyone know that there's actually an XMPP/Jabber server people could use if they don't have one already (such as gtalk).
More information here: http://www.quadronyx.com.au/jabber/ If you wanted to communicate with me via this XMPP/Jabber server (or any other), my XMPP/Jabber address is: lefallen AT jabber.quadronyx.com.au (where "AT" = "@" obviously). Title: Re: XMPP/Jabber server Post by: kavvie on 2008-11-18 15:13 (Tue) Sounds good. will test it out soon, kinda busy atm, download's ftl. :(