Title: QELServ Fighter Tech Demo Post by: krayon on 2008-10-26 10:45 (Sun) The QELServ Fighter Tech Demo is behind schedule as you may have noticed. Unfortunately Korrode has been rather busy been able to complete all the creatures as yet.
Still, the server is operational and people will be no doubt able to try it out soon. Please register your interest and your account may be upgraded to allow access. It is important to note that almost nothing is set in stone at this point. Comments both (positive and negative) would be appreciated, in the Feedback thread. Title: Re: QELServ Fighter Tech Demo Post by: krayon on 2008-10-26 11:12 (Sun) Server settings:
Modify your server.lst file, adding this entry: Code: qelserv qelserv qelserv.quadronyx.org 2000 Quadronyx EL Server Or download the file with this already added here: http://qelserv.quadronyx.org/serv/servers.lst Title: Re: QELServ Fighter Tech Demo Post by: krayon on 2008-10-28 00:39 (Tue) Currently, you can:
fight creatures