Title: Ability to reset characters attributes Post by: krayon on 2009-04-07 01:47 (Tue) During a conversation with LiquiD, SenZon etc the ability to reset just your character's attributes in order to reallocate your pickpoints. In order to stop abuse, it could be limited in frequency.
Title: Re: Ability to reset characters attributes Post by: Korrode on 2009-04-07 11:34 (Tue) Are we talking about what i've in the past referred to as a 'soft reset', where attribs go back to their original figure and you still have your OA's, thus can immediately re-allocate pickpoints, or the 'normal' (EL) reset, where your OA is returned to 0 also and exp must be gained again to get pickpoints?
Title: Re: Ability to reset characters attributes Post by: SenZon on 2009-04-07 12:28 (Tue) Example : My OA is 110 and i reset i would get 110 pps back
Title: Re: Ability to reset characters attributes Post by: trollson on 2009-04-07 18:42 (Tue) Reset in EL was originally a feature to support beta development - if the game changed dramatically, players could reset and play with the new features without losing their character.
It should have been taken out when the game reached maturity - but players have incorporated it into their play strategy. I would support a "free" reset for low level characters, to allow for newbies making mistakes. But I find that the whole reset approach in EL is a detriment to the game from a RPG perspective - some character development decisions need to be permanent. However, I'd start players with a lot more "pick points" to spend on their initial character, and have some attributes that are "locked" after creation. So you can design your character as a fighter, mage, or barkeeper, and maintain an advantage in that role over other characters. |