Title: Quest Idea Post by: Derath on 2009-04-13 16:28 (Mon) Somewhat of a quick (but probably complicated) idea...
In a game I played before there was a quest system that the owner/dev custom built, in it there was an NPC (Questmaster) and you would go to him to get small quests (kill this creature, retrieve this item, etc). The quests were level based so that a low level didn't have to go and kill a dinosaur, or get an item from a dragon's den or something... The items/creatures were spawned and flagged as quest when the quest is asked for, and the player must go and find/kill. Upon return to the questmaster, the player gained an amount of Quest Points (ranging between 15-60 QP's) These Quest Points were accumulated to purchase Quest Equipment (better than normal equipment with different affects) and in this particular game the items had a "recall" flag where the owner could "recall" the equipment and it would show up in inventory. Items could also be transferred to other players for QPs (i.e. changing registered owner of item). Example of use: Player requests a quest. QM tells player to retrieve a golden figurine from area. Figurine is spawned in a location. Player retrieves figurine and returns to QM QM removes figurine from inventory and gives player 25 QPs. Player eventually accumulates 3000-5000 QPs, and purchases a Quest Sword. Player accidentally drops sword, and uses recall, if item is currently ingame (i.e. not in a player's inventory who is offline or lost due to server reset), item appears in player's inventory. Later, player wishes to sell sword to another player, owner pays 500 QPs to transfer owner flag to new player. (This prevents some level of scamming, loss to pk, etc) Necessary item codes: Quest flag (for purchased equpiment) Quest Item flag (for quest generated item, makes item non-sellable, etc) Owner tag (owner/purchaser) Necessary creature codes: Quest target Quest Owner (person who's on the quest) I wish I could expand more on this, but without having access to the old code base, I'm afraid there's not much I can help on. Also I have tried numerous times to obtain the code base since the game has become defunct, but current owner would not reply to messages, and creator could not be reached. Title: Re: Quest Idea Post by: krayon on 2009-04-13 19:41 (Mon) A very interesting idea :) One thing I was thinking about was having quest related items/NPCs etc that could be specific to a quest some one is doing. For example, if the quest is to talk to a King in a castle, when someone NOT on the quest goes there, they see an empty room whereas a quest-er sees the King sitting in the throne and can interact.
This could be taken further, having a building or bridge that's destroyed and needs to be rebuilt. Once the quest is complete, the building and/or bridge is there to utilise. Worth noting that I plan to have people be able to define a quest group (via dialogs with an NPC) so that you can operate as a group. I believe this was already mentioned in another thread too actually. Title: Re: Quest Idea Post by: RipBigMan on 2009-04-14 04:16 (Tue) i have an idea too since we have so many skills on this game how bout with ever quest complete we could have like exp bonus that you pick where the xp goes like if its a combat quest you could chose a/d/or ranging unless we are going to have more advanced combat system with other skills or if its a gather quest thenn you could add it to havesting or the skill you had to use to make the item's with