QELServ Forum

General Discussion => Questions => Topic started by: krayon on 2008-11-07 07:00 (Fri)

Title: FAQ
Post by: krayon on 2008-11-07 07:00 (Fri)
Some of the more frequently asked questions:

Is this server free?
  • Yes.  The server is free to play on.  All character races are free to use.

Is it playable right now?
  • No. However, the test server is regularly online.  Do note though that the test server's primary purpose is for testing, not player amusement, and that you will NOT keep any levels/items/etc. you gain on there. See here for server online status: http://qelserv.quadronyx.org/QELServ/Server

What do I need in order to connect and play?
  • See this post: http://qelserv.quadronyx.org/forums/index.php?topic=10.0
  • See this post for an 'Easy Windows Installer': http://qelserv.quadronyx.org/forums/index.php?topic=14.0

Can I fight stuff?
  • Yes you can.  See the list here: http://qelserv.quadronyx.org/forums/index.php?topic=7.msg31#msg31

How do I know which creatures are stronger?
  • Generally, the more health a creature has, the stronger it is.

How do the attributes differ from Eternal Lands?
  • See: http://qelserv.quadronyx.org/QELServ/Attributes

If the basic attributes don't match the same cross attributes, how do I know what my cross attributes are?
  • Ingame, you can use the command #xattr to see your actual cross attributes.

How do the nexuses differ from Eternal Lands?
  • See: http://qelserv.quadronyx.org/QELServ/Nexuses

How does combat, and the experience gained from it, differ from Eternal Lands?
  • See: http://qelserv.quadronyx.org/QELServ/CombatExperience

What weapons and armor are available?
  • See: http://qelserv.quadronyx.org/QELServ/EquipmentUsage

Can I fight other players?
  • At the moment you can only fight other players in the arena on the second map

Is multiplay (logging in as more than 1 player and trading between characters etc) allowed?
  • Yes.   As per http://qelserv.quadronyx.org/forums/index.php?topic=42.0 , each 'account' will be able to have a number of 'characters' and these character interactions will be no more restricted than the interactions between 2 independent player's characters.

Is bagjumping, pathblocking, scamming, picking on people etc allowed?  What are the rules?
  • At present, as this game is not even Alpha status as yet, none of these rules have been decided.  The general idea (as with all areas of QELServ) is to only restrict where ABSOLUTELY necessary.

Will there be BroDs/NMT Cape etc in QELServ?
  • Every item that appears in game does so because it has a purpose that is inline with QELServ as a game.  This of course is dependent on available graphics and the clients limitations and features.  Basically, NO EL items are in the game.  SIMILAR items may appear in the game due to the graphics limitations and/or coincidence (for example: fruit etc).

Is it REALLY called QELServ?
  • QELServ is the working title of the server software itself, and stands for Quadronyx Eternal Lands Server.  There are currently plans for 2 different servers/games that will run QELServ software, each configured differently. They are called Timeless Era (TE) and Lands of War (LoW). The LoW server is a 'Level capped PvE+PvP combat server', and due to the combat technologies being currently more developed than other elements, the LoW server will be launched sooner than the TE server. The TE server is considered the 'full QELServ' product and will strive to be a very broad and complete game, with equal emphasis on combat and non-combat elements (BOTH of these will be completely free to play).

Will there be astrology or something like it in QELServ?
  • I can guarantee the concept of astrology (or similar) will NOT be in this game... EVER.  There may be environments and/or items that will have an affect on attributes and/or properties of your character but this is of course expected.

Why when I login as OddsExtractor does my name show as OddSexTractor
  • Unlike EL, QELServ uses your account name's case when displayed in the client, not the case used when logging in.  At the moment, this means when you first created your character, however in the future it'll most likely be the case used when creating your forum account.

What's all this Pre-Alpha, Alpha, Beta and version numbers (0.0.2, 0.0.3 etc) all about?
  • These are terms used when defining stages within a software life cycle.  QELServ is currently in Pre-Alpha, and we are performing Milestone development and testing.
  • Milestone: Milestone versions are where we decide what we want to fix/implement and we work on that.  When they are done, we test these new fixes/features.  You can see here the bug tracker roadmap for a list of milestones at https://bugs.quadronyx.org/roadmap/1 and what is planned for each one.
  • Pre-Alpha: Pre-Alpha is the state QELServ is currently in.  This means it's not feature complete and there is still MUCH to be done.  Unlike the "normal" software approach of not letting end users see or use pre-alpha, with QELServ we have, until now, opened it up to anyone.
  • Alpha: Eventually we will reach Alpha stage.  This is when most of the features are done.  Again in the "normal" software approach, only a test group is allowed access at this point however for QELServ, it will most likely be for everyone.
  • Beta: In the "normal" software approach, Beta is when almost everything is done and it get's opened to the public.  For us, it will mainly mean that QELServ is pretty much done.
  • NOTE: The individual games that use QELServ as a base (LoW and TE) will most likely have their OWN Alpha and Beta labels.  This means that when LoW is considered Beta, TE may only be Pre-Alpha.

Title: more FAQ
Post by: krayon on 2008-11-08 16:03 (Sat)
  • Can I fight other players?
  • When I try to flee, i get "Resync with the server..." is this by design and normal?

Title: Re: FAQ
Post by: krayon on 2008-11-19 17:33 (Wed)
  • Is multiplay (logging in as more than 1 player and trading between characters etc) allowed?
  • Is bagjumping, pathblocking, scamming, picking on people etc allowed?  What are the rules?
  • Will there be BroDs/NMT Cape etc in QELServ?
  • Is it REALLY called QELServ?

Title: Re: FAQ
Post by: krayon on 2008-11-29 16:59 (Sat)
  • Will there be astrology or something like it in QELServ?

Title: Re: FAQ
Post by: krayon on 2010-01-17 19:01 (Sun)
  • Why when I login as OddsExtractor does my name show as OddSexTractor

Title: Re: FAQ
Post by: Korrode on 2010-01-20 07:41 (Wed)
Modified a lot of stuff. I also updated many of the wiki pages linked to throughout the FAQ.

Title: Re: FAQ
Post by: Korrode on 2010-01-24 15:44 (Sun)
  • How do I know which creatures are stronger?

Title: Re: FAQ
Post by: krayon on 2010-02-08 17:06 (Mon)
  • What's all this Pre-Alpha, Alpha, Beta and version numbers (0.0.2, 0.0.3 etc) all about?