News: QELServ based combat mini-game (Lands Of War) 0.0.2 in testing NOW!
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1  Development / Design / Feedback / Re: Tech demo on: 2008-10-31 04:10 (Fri)

got bones in two slots.

Makes sense that I couldn't merge them unless I dropped all in a bag on the ground and picked them up again. Will try and see if I can reproduce.
2  Development / Design / Feedback / Re: Tech demo on: 2008-10-30 04:44 (Thu)
I´m pleasantly surprised by what you got so far. Sure it's still a bit slow, and there's things to be done, and eeeks I got pwnt by an imp -.- but the starter island is a great place. I encountered anima's rat, it seems stuck in combat. Harvested some fruits and love that you're able to eat and just keep on harvesting. I hope it stays Tongue

Apart from that, I haven´t encountered any unexpected bugs so far, but will do some more testing later tonight or tomorrow Smiley
3  General Discussion / General Topics / Re: Looking Forward to it!! :) on: 2008-10-30 00:01 (Thu)
Just a suggestion.. try to find someone that plays EL but that also has extensive Landes Eternelles experience (I know Tempest used to be a dev or Mod in LE, and there's some others that have made the switch).
I played EL only for a short while, they don't have many of the newer items, the exact items that are brought up in all the 'PK dead who dunnit' topics, and a NMT for example will only cost you 30kgc iirc.

People still pk in leathers there, and if you call someone a n00b you get kicked lol. My point: the game looks a like, but it's totally different from what we are currently used to. Perhaps hearing from someone with a lot of LE experience might be helpfull and might give you some ideas too.
4  General Discussion / Questions / Re: ah....when will it be here? on: 2008-10-28 20:24 (Tue)
yeah, If I'm able to make it, I'd be glad to help with the testing too Smiley
Guess I'll keep an eye on this forum \o/
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