News: QELServ based combat mini-game (Lands Of War) 0.0.2 in testing NOW!
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1  General Discussion / Questions / Re: Battle system - How should it work? on: 2008-11-11 12:08 (Tue)
Ok.. i know most.. if not all of this has been said in previous posts... but i just want to reiderate it and say what i think Smiley

I think. as far as rangers. the ranger should not get locked in combat.. but the other person *the one being shot* should be locked in combat with a very high flee rate. like 90%-100%.. that way it slows the victem down enough so the ranger can shoot and flee and shoot and keep moving quick.. but with the high flee rate the worrior still has a chance to get to the ranger and smite him with hi weapons Tongue

summoners...i think if they attack some one they should be locked in combat. with a 60%-75% chance to flee.. less freedom than an archer b/c the summoner has animals and monsters fighting with it.... if the summoner was fighting a worrior then the worrior would have a flee rate as normally fighting a monster or person.... that i think about it should be the same as rangers.. and just a note.. maybe make what we know as the shield spell on EL.. be a dissing spell.. so a mage could cast the spell to diss from a fight...

worriors.. i like how it is now..

ok. thats my thoughts.. tell me what you think..
i agree with jizzy but mages should not be able to be atted make it so that thay cant where armor but cant be attked unless it is a ranger i think thay can att the mag the fighter should be able to swich from fighter to ranger or mage to make it fair IMO
2  Development / Design / Feedback / Re: Tech demo on: 2008-11-09 02:23 (Sun)
your doing good with the test server but i wish the dragon blade had the stats it does on el  Smiley Wink Cheesy Grin Angry Sad Shocked Cool Huh Roll Eyes Tongue Embarrassed Lips sealed Undecided Kiss Cry o ya it would be good if we could buy more then 5 pot at a time
3  General Discussion / Suggestions / Re: just a suggestion on: 2008-11-04 11:10 (Tue)
i think that the brownes should be a lil bit harder cus u dont want to make it to esay to get a lot of gold.its just an idea
4  General Discussion / General Topics / Re: Server on: 2008-11-04 10:46 (Tue)
ya i am playing on my bros char and it Resync with the server...
Resync with the server...
Resync with the server...
Resync with the server...
Resync with the server...
all in like 20 secs and i wan't clicing a lot.
5  General Discussion / General Topics / Re: Help Needed? on: 2008-11-04 10:02 (Tue)
o ok i was just trying cus my bro(jizzy) was on and i wanted to help to but its ok :)but if the makers will let me i would like to help out.
6  General Discussion / General Topics / Re: Help Needed? on: 2008-10-30 05:47 (Thu)
i need help geting my char on the game.will u help me
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