News: QELServ based combat mini-game (Lands Of War) 0.0.2 in testing NOW!
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1  Development / Design / Map Bugs/Comments / Re: kwayver1 (first map) on: 2008-11-09 14:39 (Sun)
You can walk into a tree at 78,65

2  General Discussion / Questions / Re: ah....when will it be here? on: 2008-11-09 09:25 (Sun)
Me too then, pretty plz with suger on top  Grin
3  General Discussion / Questions / Re: Healing potions - to cooldown, or not to cooldown on: 2008-11-09 03:52 (Sun)
I haven't played on this server so I know nothing about how fighting works here. So my opinion is only general. You don't want fighting to work as it does on the PK-server, no cd and ppl have like 300hp with col = you can't die. Fights lasts until ppl run out of ess to heal themself or gets bored and dis.

Before the server crash in EL I think pk worked great there without cd. Ppl had 70hp iirc and serp or tit long was the best weap and ppl used br to heal themself. So if one wants to avoid cd one must be able to do enough damage (compared to how much and fast you can heal) to each otherwise cd is imho needed.

Imho if one can avoid cd its a better solution.

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