I would be interested in working on maps. Let me know what sort of designs you were thinking of and I will give it a try
That would be great! We only have 2 tentative map makers at the moment. Basically, as the storyline etc hasn't been fully mapped out as yet, coupled with the fact that we are currently operating within the bounds of the EL client, we are currently just requesting maps in general, without a specific objective. The idea being that they can always be "tweaked" here and there as required later.
I would say some general forest/nature map(s) would be good, think not touched by civilisation type stuff probably. We have a couple of towns (sort of) already so some more training/harvesting etc areas would probably be good.
One thing I think would be good is to avoid really big maps at this point. As specially because we won't have many players initially and so more intimit surroundings would be good. Also big maps load slow etc
Regarding harvestables, we haven't got any idea as to what will/won't be harvestable but I wouldn't worry too much at this stage. Try to avoid TOO many items that EL shows a pickaxe for to start with just in case but some would be OK as they can be modified later as needed or made non-harvestable (or just left there as harvestable items of course).
Basically, I don't pretend to know what makes a good map, I would therefore be perfectly happy for people to just create some and as long as they are good enough etc they can be used (which is what happened with the current ones).
TO ANYONE ELSE... feel free to drop some ideas down etc for maps too. I am sure many will have better ideas than I could come up with anyway!
alrite alrite im working on it!
sheesh bobbl