Do you guys need help with anything? Artwork for the Website/Forums, etc?
We of course would appreciate any and all help from people. The current team is only myself (software development and design) and Korrode (combat system and anything related such as item stats etc).
We do have a couple of maps made by Kwayver however he has expressed a reluctance to make more maps. So we are in
need of map people (we may have one other one though).
Apart from that, we
could use any other help. Models, textures, skins, artwork (as you say), and eventually storyline, quest and design ideas (MANY), ingredients definition (how do you make them), item definition (what do they do), ECONOMY (oh boy help someone please) etc.
In short... yes please
One thing that would stop anyone such as yourself producing any artwork for the site etc is probably the lack of a name! The reason no name has been given is that believe it or not, no storyline or quest information has been fleshed out as yet. Don't get me wrong, I hate games where the storyline and quests etc are an after thought, and this isn't the case - it's more that we defined what types of skills we wanted as fighting skills and how we wanted the game to be played.
So, um, that's where we're at. ANYONE, please throw ANYTHING at us you please
The quicker all this gets sorted out, the quicker we can play! Some more design information will be posted soon (next week or so) to give people more of an idea of where it's all going. Please realise however (and I believe Korrode stated this elsewhere already) that
apart from a few core components, we are happy to listen to everyone's opinions and are completely willing to change anything that is deemed unsuitable etc so don't be shy! All we want is for "it" to be the best "it" can be, whatever "it" may be....
oh dear...God I can drone on... sorry to anyone who made it all the way through that