The energetic goddess, Hyriss, is well liked by most of her followers. This could be because of her energetic state, or perhaps because she is flexible in most things. She understands while there is only one real way to shoot a bow effectively, there are many ways of understanding how to do it. Simply put - it's not just a matter of point and shoot for everyone. Because she understands this, she knows and understands every different style of learning and if needed is capable of (and willing to) teach to anyone.
When not working closely with Kovera to help her followers have better weapons, she travels the world in her elven form, interacting with her followers on a personal level. When she is traveling through the world to check, she avoids using any outward signs of her godly powers as it would tip people off to who she is, and it creates undue attention for her - who wants to personally interact with her followers to gain better understanding of them.
To further elaborate on this goddess, we found an old scroll in the temple of Ocenyia, supposedly written by Hyriss herself.
...I wish all my followers to know that even as a god, I am not infallible. If there is something that could be done better, tell me. I will weigh each suggestion that comes my way carefully and decide if it is for the best of my followers. Even with that being said, mockery of my ways will not be tolerated. Warnings will be given but I will not tolerate mockery forever....
...Do not follow me by trying to be just like me. That is not how I gain my power. Striving to be just like a god often causes one to strive to become a god, and attempting to overthrow me is something I will not tolerate. A swift death will meet any who try to overthrow me, as Kovera herself forged my bow, and there is not another in all the land that rivals it.
But as I was saying, I gain my power through the strength of my followers, and I have found that my followers do not gain strength through striving to become like me. I find that my followers gain their strength by choosing their own paths. I would much rather have many followers of varying strength and ideals, than just a few followers of unquestionable strength and ideals. After all, diversity is what makes life worth living...