in the fighting arena, I applied cooldown to the healing potions on the fly. Cooldown has not been decided for ANY items in the game as yet, but when I did this, it sparked the debate about cooldown and PvP. An excerpt:
bigkav: krayon added cooldowns flee
bigkav: xD
Zorro: cooldown xD
MrGray: lol cd ftw
bigkav: nooo >.<
MrGray: it is too low already
bigkav: cooldown ftl ;s
bigkav: rofl 6th today
Krayon: I pressed the cooldown button didn't I
bigkav: yes >.<
Krayon: I never intended them not to have it... then again, i never intended them TO have it either
bigkav: >.<
SenZon: damn lol
bigkav: make cooldown lower plx;P
SenZon: i love cooldown xD
bigkav: its like main serv cooldown
SenZon: no its perfect ;p
Krayon: atm it's 5, 10 and 20 respectively
Krayon: and they give 40, 100 and 200 health respectively.
Krayon: hmmm
bigkav: its rly hard to fight..
DonPedro: look how cooldown effect PK
SenZon: lol whining already ?
Krayon: Is cooldown necessary for healing potions etc?
bigkav: no
SenZon: hmm
bigkav: whenb ppl run out of $ they cant buy more
SenZon: its good like right now
Krayon: Incidently this isn't final, i just punched in some values for it to see
bigkav: cooldowns atm is to big
Krayon: NOTHING is final
SenZon: i like lol donp got owned
bigkav: 5 sec cooldown atm on small ones
bigkav: 20 sec cooldown on 200 hp ones.. :/
SenZon: i find it not bad
bigkav: only coz u pwn all;p
SenZon: can you make it like first click no cooldown
SenZon: 2nd click 5sec
SenZon: 3rd 10 secs
SenZon: etc
SenZon: brb
bigkav: cooldowns r fail ;x
bigkav: emu limits fight times
bigkav: so no need for them
grollach: brb
Krayon: hmmm that may be true bigkav.
bigkav: 300 emu = 100 GHP
Krayon: SenZon: In theory, what you suggest would be doable.
bigkav: although spending his pps in emu adding atribs makes him wekare
bigkav: weaker**
bigkav: i dont like to brag but i know alot about pk
bigkav: i pked 10 hours a day for 2 weeks once ;P
bigkav: (cost about 1.5m gcs ) yes i bought gc with $
[Krayon @ 1]: (Taking it to channel) See, stuff like that ... you EL PK players would know more than I about if this is needed or not.
[Krayon @ 1]: Cooldown may be necessary for potions of healing, maybe not. I have no idea so I would ask you (and will do on the forums).
bigkav: it is cheaper here to pk with GHP's and easier to get money as opposed to main el, that it is much more expenisve with breaks+attrib pots etc acc/eva
[SenZon @ 1]: idk the awnser but cooldown sucks .. with out cooldown would be to easy
[bigkav @ 1]: emu limits fight times
[MrGray @ 1]: no cd is must
[Krayon @ 1]: I don't necessarily like the idea of cooldown as a roleplay aspect so much, except maybe a small one (you need to swallow after all)
[MrGray @ 1]: without cd no 1v1 fight will end
[bigkav @ 1]: trust me no cooldown = mass more ppl for server
[MrGray @ 1]: well i have a strong reason to disagree
[MrGray @ 1]: it is killing tougness/reactin
[MrGray @ 1]: why would ppl want to get it?if you can drink as much as u want?
[bigkav @ 1]:[MrGray @ 1]: ppl can survive with only will
[bigkav @ 1]: i have to constantly click him
[bigkav @ 1]: so i can keep him in ring
While I know it's early days and it's probably difficult to make a choice given that not everything has been defined, but I would like to hear others opinions.