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Author Topic: My suggestions  (Read 17556 times)
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« on: 2008-12-01 06:54 (Mon) »

well, if any1 can post ideas, i thought it would be ok if i'd post 2

1.Skill point implementation
Introducing more spells would mean the mage will be able to use all the spells if they have a certain level. I suggest that for each spell, they should need to spend a skill point. Skill point should be obtained by killing monsters, e.g.: 1 skill point=kill 100 creatures of your level. Also, the spells could leveled, either by using them a certain number of time, either by adding more skill points to them, to increase eficiency. eg: fire ball level 1-deals 50 damage, requires 1 skill point to make it level 2 you have to add 2 more skill points to it, so it will go like this fire ball level 2-deals 75 damage. This will bring diversivity and we will have mage healers and mage nukers or ofc hybrids :p

2.Different spells for each class(fighter/mage/summ/archer)
Why shouldn't each class have something different? Why should the fighter be able to cast the same spell as a mage? I suggest each class should have its own skills, so we could have Fighter-tanker and Fighter-dps, for archer ive thought of 2 tipes of archers-scout-medium damage but able to hit multiple targets simultaneously, and ranger-high damage and concentrates his attack power on just 1 target. As for summoner there could be 2 tipes: Vicious summoner-summons creatures with high attack damage and Suport summoner-Summons creatures to heal himself and the party.

3.Weapons for each class & weapon ranking
First point is simple, the mage wont be able to do anything with +30 damage sword, so I suggest adding weapons that give increased magic damage and weapons that make the summoner's creatures more powerful.
Second point is item ranking. We all know the weapons/armors from the npc, plain and simple. Im suggesting adding weapons/armors that could be slightly better than the npc ones. Making an refined/elite/super sword/staff would be nice, ofc this weapons should be monster/boss/quest drops.

4.About spells...
In el there are very few spells that are actually used. Would love to see buff spells(increases accuracy by 5, can be cast on others), attack spells(increases damage by 20% for 1 hit), AOE(area of effect) spells(heals all party members for 50/damages every creatures in sight for 100). Like stated above, you should be able to level this spells, to increse their effect.

I dont like the restore spell being able to be used by the fighter, pots are fine. Cooldown is ok(on test server people w/ 100 a/d can kill giants easy cuz no cd).
Healing can be made by the healer, you should be able to heal yourself just with pots. Also, making the sit comand greatly increase the hp/mp regen would be great. This will make the party system to be a must for training at higher levels, and the healer by the key in a party. As for pk, I dont think costly and long fights to be very fun. Adding lifesteal or making the atributes to increase HP more can make a fight as long as it should be.

Why call the atributes like in el? Physique, coordination etc..., why not call them
Strenght-Increases melee physical damage and carry load(might in el)
Vitality-Increases hp and physical defence
Spirit-Increases mana and magic defence(magic resistance in el)
Inteligence-Increases magic attack damage and charm(gives +hp and damage to summoned creatures)
Dexterity-Increases ranged attack damage and accuracy
Agility-Increases evasion (reaction) and critical rate
Still needs work, thing is I dont really like the names/effects of el atributes.

7. Weapon combining
After some time we will have too many weapons in game, so I suggest that adding an npc where you can combine your weapons could be a solution, basicly because when you will atemp to combine there will be a chance of failure, failure meaning both weapons get destroyed.
Making a weapon +1 can be made by taking 2 weapons of the same tipe(2 elite, 2 normal, 2 refined...not 1 refined 1 normal) and combining it. The +1 weapon can have a slightly increase in stats. Making it +2 requires 2 weapons that are allready +1 of the same rank(two +1 elite weapons).
Also, to prevent flooding the market with too many weapons there could be an npc where you can lower the requirments for a Rusty sword, requires def 35 and physique 40. To lower the requirment with 1 level would require a cost, when lowering the required level is atemp, there is a chance the weapon gets destroyed. Also you could lower the physique requirment aswell, -2 physique requires cost...etc fail chance....
Here appears a new problem, if you have a really valuable +5 super weapon and you are too high leveled to still use it. I suggest adding some sort of item/stone(rare monster drop) that can make a weapon advance in level(a tier 1 weapon becomes a tier 2 weapon).
Same things apply for armors aswell.

8.Scrolls instead of ttpr spell/rings
Easy, just make a scroll for each a ring, dont really like the ttpr spell.

Here I have 2 tipe of pets, the 'fighting' pet or the 'bonus giver' pet.
There can either be a pet that helps you in fighting, or a pet that does nothing but giving you a bonus+10% hp/mp, +10% att damage, +1% critical rate) when he is summoned-cant attack or be attacked.
The pets should be able to level. For the 'fighting pet' leveling is done by fighting(duh)-as the pet levels his stats get higher; as for the bonus giver pet  leveling is done by feeding him a number of times(eg..20 feeds=level 2, 40=level 3), feeding can only be done once a while(u cant feed ur pet 20 food at once) so there should be a time between feeding can be done(1 hour or so). As the 'bonus giver' pet levels, the bonuses he gives are higher.

Ill add and edit my post when needed.


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« Reply #1 on: 2008-12-01 13:08 (Mon) »

well, if any1 can post ideas, i thought it would be ok if i'd post 2

1.Skill point implementation
Introducing more spells would mean the mage will be able to use all the spells if they have a certain level. I suggest that for each spell, they should need to spend a skill point. Skill point should be obtained by killing monsters, e.g.: 1 skill point=kill 100 creatures of your level. Also, the spells could leveled, either by using them a certain number of time, either by adding more skill points to them, to increase eficiency. eg: fire ball level 1-deals 50 damage, requires 1 skill point to make it level 2 you have to add 2 more skill points to it, so it will go like this fire ball level 2-deals 75 damage. This will bring diversivity and we will have mage healers and mage nukers or ofc hybrids :p

2.Different spells for each class(fighter/mage/summ/archer)
Why shouldn't each class have something different? Why should the fighter be able to cast the same spell as a mage? I suggest each class should have its own skills, so we could have Fighter-tanker and Fighter-dps, for archer ive thought of 2 tipes of archers-scout-medium damage but able to hit multiple targets simultaneously, and ranger-high damage and concentrates his attack power on just 1 target. As for summoner there could be 2 tipes: Vicious summoner-summons creatures with high attack damage and Suport summoner-Summons creatures to heal himself and the party.

3.Weapons for each class & weapon ranking
First point is simple, the mage wont be able to do anything with +30 damage sword, so I suggest adding weapons that give increased magic damage and weapons that make the summoner's creatures more powerful.
Second point is item ranking. We all know the weapons/armors from the npc, plain and simple. Im suggesting adding weapons/armors that could be slightly better than the npc ones. Making an refined/elite/super sword/staff would be nice, ofc this weapons should be monster/boss/quest drops.

4.About spells...
In el there are very few spells that are actually used. Would love to see buff spells(increases accuracy by 5, can be cast on others), attack spells(increases damage by 20% for 1 hit), AOE(area of effect) spells(heals all party members for 50/damages every creatures in sight for 100). Like stated above, you should be able to level this spells, to increse their effect.

I dont like the restore spell being able to be used by the fighter, pots are fine. Cooldown is ok(on test server people w/ 100 a/d can kill giants easy cuz no cd).
Healing can be made by the healer, you should be able to heal yourself just with pots. Also, making the sit comand greatly increase the hp/mp regen would be great. This will make the party system to be a must for training at higher levels, and the healer by the key in a party. As for pk, I dont think costly and long fights to be very fun. Adding lifesteal or making the atributes to increase HP more can make a fight as long as it should be.

Why call the atributes like in el? Physique, coordination etc..., why not call them
Strenght-Increases melee physical damage and carry load(might in el)
Vitality-Increases hp and physical defence
Spirit-Increases mana and magic defence(magic resistance in el)
Inteligence-Increases magic attack damage and charm(gives +hp and damage to summoned creatures)
Dexterity-Increases ranged attack damage and accuracy
Agility-Increases evasion (reaction) and critical rate
Still needs work, thing is I dont really like the names/effects of el atributes.

7. Weapon combining
After some time we will have too many weapons in game, so I suggest that adding an npc where you can combine your weapons could be a solution, basicly because when you will atemp to combine there will be a chance of failure, failure meaning both weapons get destroyed.
Making a weapon +1 can be made by taking 2 weapons of the same tipe(2 elite, 2 normal, 2 refined...not 1 refined 1 normal) and combining it. The +1 weapon can have a slightly increase in stats. Making it +2 requires 2 weapons that are allready +1 of the same rank(two +1 elite weapons).
Also, to prevent flooding the market with too many weapons there could be an npc where you can lower the requirments for a Rusty sword, requires def 35 and physique 40. To lower the requirment with 1 level would require a cost, when lowering the required level is atemp, there is a chance the weapon gets destroyed. Also you could lower the physique requirment aswell, -2 physique requires cost...etc fail chance....
Here appears a new problem, if you have a really valuable +5 super weapon and you are too high leveled to still use it. I suggest adding some sort of item/stone(rare monster drop) that can make a weapon advance in level(a tier 1 weapon becomes a tier 2 weapon).
Same things apply for armors aswell.

8.Scrolls instead of ttpr spell/rings
Easy, just make a scroll for each a ring, dont really like the ttpr spell.

Here I have 2 tipe of pets, the 'fighting' pet or the 'bonus giver' pet.
There can either be a pet that helps you in fighting, or a pet that does nothing but giving you a bonus+10% hp/mp, +10% att damage, +1% critical rate) when he is summoned-cant attack or be attacked.
The pets should be able to level. For the 'fighting pet' leveling is done by fighting(duh)-as the pet levels his stats get higher; as for the bonus giver pet  leveling is done by feeding him a number of times(eg..20 feeds=level 2, 40=level 3), feeding can only be done once a while(u cant feed ur pet 20 food at once) so there should be a time between feeding can be done(1 hour or so). As the 'bonus giver' pet levels, the bonuses he gives are higher.

Ill add and edit my post when needed.


1.Skill Points.. Dont like this idea at all.. I think that I as a fighter should be able to train my magic as high as i personally saw fit. and still be a fighter.. if i spent all my time training and killing monsters to get skill points for fighting. and then it would be very hard to do multible skills.. would hurt the all arounder. I also dont like the spells having multible levels.. just let the effect increase with your attributes and skill levels.

2. Different sets of spells.. i think everyone should be able to cast any spell they train to that lvl to get.. Though. different char builds would obviously have stronger spell casting abilities.

3.There are already level requirements for the weapons in game.. a/d requirements for the swords.. though i dont know if its an a/d lvl requirement for ranging weapons or not. but i think it should be based on ranging lvl.. also.. summoner weapons.? Staffs FTW!. i think summoners should be able to use staffs.. and there should be staffs with bonuses for summoners.. like one that give extra charm  or increases summon damage..

4.I agree completly there should be different spells.. and i think this is already being worked on. or at least on the list of things.

5. This goes back to the spells section. i think anyone should be able to cast any spell they train up to use.. and ive stated what i thought about cooldown in other forum posts..

6.The attributes have the same names on here. but they affect you differently.. they affect different cross attributes.. so i think the change in the names of the attribues is just needless work.

7.There are not going to be an overflow of weapons in the market. and breakages and npc's that buy weapons can help with that.. I think the principle behind this idea is good. but I dont like your emplementation at all... I like the idea of having a separate set of swords. other than teh main ones. that can be combined... each sword on its own is an OK sword. but when combined with its designated mate. it can become something even more powerfull..

8.I like the idea.. but again.. dont see the point in switching from rings..

9.I like the idea of pets that can fight.. but i think they should have arena's that pets are not allowed to attack in.. I think the pet should gain experience from fighting.. maybe they can change form.. like you buy a base pet. *dog* and you get it to fight and train it and it changes and goes up the different  forms... this would require a "heal pet" spell.. and maybe a "revive pet" spell for when it dies....

Jizzy Grin

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« Reply #2 on: 2008-12-01 13:30 (Mon) »

1.Skill point implementation
Introducing more spells would mean the mage will be able to use all the spells if they have a certain level. I suggest that for each spell, they should need to spend a skill point. Skill point should be obtained by killing monsters, e.g.: 1 skill point=kill 100 creatures of your level. Also, the spells could leveled, either by using them a certain number of time, either by adding more skill points to them, to increase eficiency. eg: fire ball level 1-deals 50 damage, requires 1 skill point to make it level 2 you have to add 2 more skill points to it, so it will go like this fire ball level 2-deals 75 damage. This will bring diversivity and we will have mage healers and mage nukers or ofc hybrids :p
Well, atm the nexus system dictates what kind of spells and mage-specific items the mage can use. (As it does with all combat orientations)
Remember that on QELServ you'll only ever have 3 nexus points to spend per character.
More details here:

The idea of individual spells being leveled in some way is interesting though, might look more into it down the track.

2.Different spells for each class(fighter/mage/summ/archer)
Why shouldn't each class have something different? Why should the fighter be able to cast the same spell as a mage? I suggest each class should have its own skills, so we could have Fighter-tanker and Fighter-dps, for archer ive thought of 2 tipes of archers-scout-medium damage but able to hit multiple targets simultaneously, and ranger-high damage and concentrates his attack power on just 1 target. As for summoner there could be 2 tipes: Vicious summoner-summons creatures with high attack damage and Suport summoner-Summons creatures to heal himself and the party.
Again, due to the way the Nexus system works, a fighter cannot cast the same spells as a mage.
A pure fighter will only have access to Tier 1 magic spells, where as a full mage will have access to Tier 1, 2, 3 and 4 spells.
In regard to different types/builds within the orientation, that's what the Attribute system is for. The way one builds their attributes will be a key factor in deciding if their build will be offensive, defensive, elusive, etc.
The effects offered by different cross-attributes may be expanded on in the future. ATM the Fighter and Ranger are a bit more customisable build wise than the Summoner and Mage... but then again, the Summoner and Mage's item/spell/summons choice will offer wider ranges of effects than whats available to the Fighter and Ranger; so it is perhaps already addressed... but i'll keep an eye on it all Smiley

3.Weapons for each class & weapon ranking
First point is simple, the mage wont be able to do anything with +30 damage sword, so I suggest adding weapons that give increased magic damage and weapons that make the summoner's creatures more powerful.
Second point is item ranking. We all know the weapons/armors from the npc, plain and simple. Im suggesting adding weapons/armors that could be slightly better than the npc ones. Making an refined/elite/super sword/staff would be nice, ofc this weapons should be monster/boss/quest drops.
To your first point; yep Smiley already planning to do it that way.
Robes, Staves, Wands and even equipable books will all be mage specific, and planning for summoner specif stuff too.
Your second point; Item ranking of some kind is an interesting idea, might consider it more so down the track a bit.

4.About spells...
In el there are very few spells that are actually used. Would love to see buff spells(increases accuracy by 5, can be cast on others), attack spells(increases damage by 20% for 1 hit), AOE(area of effect) spells(heals all party members for 50/damages every creatures in sight for 100).
All already planned for Smiley

I dont like the restore spell being able to be used by the fighter, pots are fine. Cooldown is ok(on test server people w/ 100 a/d can kill giants easy cuz no cd).
Healing can be made by the healer, you should be able to heal yourself just with pots. Also, making the sit comand greatly increase the hp/mp regen would be great. This will make the party system to be a must for training at higher levels, and the healer by the key in a party. As for pk, I dont think costly and long fights to be very fun. Adding lifesteal or making the atributes to increase HP more can make a fight as long as it should be.
Yep, i agree.
As i said earlier, pure fighter will only have access to tier 1 spells... their primary method of healing will be potions.
As for party system for high level training; well, it's not like i'm gonna let ppl train Giants or Dragons solo, but i'm not going to force people into socialising Tongue

Some creatures will be specifically setup for group fighting... even early on; we're makin the Deer the newbie gang creature Cheesy

Why call the atributes like in el? Physique, coordination etc..., why not call them
Strenght-Increases melee physical damage and carry load(might in el)
Vitality-Increases hp and physical defence
Spirit-Increases mana and magic defence(magic resistance in el)
Inteligence-Increases magic attack damage and charm(gives +hp and damage to summoned creatures)
Dexterity-Increases ranged attack damage and accuracy
Agility-Increases evasion (reaction) and critical rate
Still needs work, thing is I dont really like the names/effects of el atributes.
ATM, they're called that because we'd have to release a client patch if we wanted to call them anything else.
If we use a different client or patch the EL client down the track, we prolly will rename them Smiley

7. Weapon combining
After some time we will have too many weapons in game, so I suggest that adding an npc where you can combine your weapons could be a solution, basicly because when you will atemp to combine there will be a chance of failure, failure meaning both weapons get destroyed.
Making a weapon +1 can be made by taking 2 weapons of the same tipe(2 elite, 2 normal, 2 refined...not 1 refined 1 normal) and combining it. The +1 weapon can have a slightly increase in stats. Making it +2 requires 2 weapons that are allready +1 of the same rank(two +1 elite weapons).
Also, to prevent flooding the market with too many weapons there could be an npc where you can lower the requirments for a Rusty sword, requires def 35 and physique 40. To lower the requirment with 1 level would require a cost, when lowering the required level is atemp, there is a chance the weapon gets destroyed. Also you could lower the physique requirment aswell, -2 physique requires cost...etc fail chance....
Here appears a new problem, if you have a really valuable +5 super weapon and you are too high leveled to still use it. I suggest adding some sort of item/stone(rare monster drop) that can make a weapon advance in level(a tier 1 weapon becomes a tier 2 weapon).
Same things apply for armors aswell.
Well, there wont be 'too many' weapons in the game, i've planned preliminary stats for fighter weapons through to Tier 4, it's all carefully balanced.
But well look further into the weapon ranking thing and everything related down the track, if feasible and desirable.

8.Scrolls instead of ttpr spell/rings
Easy, just make a scroll for each a ring, dont really like the ttpr spell.
We were thinking along similar lines Smiley
Krayon had some other more involved ideas in regard to tele'ing around too...

Here I have 2 tipe of pets, the 'fighting' pet or the 'bonus giver' pet.
There can either be a pet that helps you in fighting, or a pet that does nothing but giving you a bonus+10% hp/mp, +10% att damage, +1% critical rate) when he is summoned-cant attack or be attacked.
The pets should be able to level. For the 'fighting pet' leveling is done by fighting(duh)-as the pet levels his stats get higher; as for the bonus giver pet  leveling is done by feeding him a number of times(eg..20 feeds=level 2, 40=level 3), feeding can only be done once a while(u cant feed ur pet 20 food at once) so there should be a time between feeding can be done(1 hour or so). As the 'bonus giver' pet levels, the bonuses he gives are higher.
Sounds pretty good, we'll re-visit the pets subject in he near future, need to focus on some other stuff for now.

Thanks for the ideas and input Smiley

"Often, the most striking and innovative solutions come from realising that your concept of the problem was wrong." - Eric S. Raymond
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« Reply #3 on: 2008-12-02 09:01 (Tue) »

Maybe a duel won't be bad , like when outside a pk map you can challenge sombody to a duel and earn points that will list you in a duel ranking system ( maybe also a price for the winner , like the challenger has to give 600 gold if lost and then guy who is being challenged (when he loses) the half of it so 300gc  , winner get's all , the price is just a suggestion maybe not all will like it but still you have to agree with the money and also if you want to duel . (its a bit like the pki system in el but it wouldn't be used in normal pk then thats the only diffrence )

it would also be nice if there wass some quest leveling.

i hope the ranging isn't like in el because i don't like the path blocked you can't fire ! you have to run like hell to even kill a monster with ranging in el

Greetz Z
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« Reply #4 on: 2008-12-02 17:06 (Tue) »

i hope the ranging isn't like in el because i don't like the path blocked you can't fire ! you have to run like hell to even kill a monster with ranging in el

Indeed, the anging isn't realy usable in EL. Not really thought about ranging. Just grab a bow a few arrows and done... The leveling with ranging is also way to slow.
I hope that could be changed Wink

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« Reply #5 on: 2008-12-02 21:01 (Tue) »

Maybe a duel won't be bad , like when outside a pk map you can challenge sombody to a duel and earn points that will list you in a duel ranking system ( maybe also a price for the winner , like the challenger has to give 600 gold if lost and then guy who is being challenged (when he loses) the half of it so 300gc  , winner get's all , the price is just a suggestion maybe not all will like it but still you have to agree with the money and also if you want to duel . (its a bit like the pki system in el but it wouldn't be used in normal pk then thats the only diffrence )
We'll definitely do something like this, lots of ideas have already been thrown around... I recently detailed a PK League system (, but duels where each person puts up an item or some gc would be pr0 Cheesy

it would also be nice if there wass some quest leveling.
Krayon's all over this, he hates grinding Wink

i hope the ranging isn't like in el because i don't like the path blocked you can't fire ! you have to run like hell to even kill a monster with ranging in el
I hate ranging in EL too, ours will be way better Wink
In EL, ranging is like an add-on thing, rangers are near laughable support personal and pose no real threat on their own... plus it's a major gc sink... on QELServ, Rangers will be balanced equivalents of Fighters and the other combatant orientations.

Thanks for the suggestions and input Zorro Smiley

"Often, the most striking and innovative solutions come from realising that your concept of the problem was wrong." - Eric S. Raymond
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« Reply #6 on: 2008-12-02 21:50 (Tue) »

Ranging ("Archery"):

The implementation of archery in EL is a nonsense; it's design is taken from FPS systems, with expensive server-side ray-tracing of paths between launch point and target.  But an MMORPG is not a FPS, and the accuracy is very misplaced.

Forget ray-tracing.  This assumes that the world is accurately modelled, whereas it is really just representative, as are actor positions.

For an MMORPG you can use a far quicker heuristic model.  For each square on the map, assign a "difficulty" level for shooting through it, determined by some product of the objects on that square.  The difficulty for a shot is then the sum of the difficulties along the path (use an anti-alias line to cover corners); this difficulty can then be compared against the archer's skill, in good old RPG methodology.

To reduce artefacts, reduce the difficulty of squares closest to the archer, so he can shoot through an arrow slit, but be protected by it (paths are not symmetric).

Non-targetted actors along the path add to the difficulty, and risk being hit on a miss.  Height differences can just modify difficulty, depending on terrain.

This is all very cheap to calculate, making ranged weapons a trivial server cost.

The actual ranges involved are very small (in EL), so a missile flight will take <0.5s, perhaps two frames in an animation (so should be animated as a long blur?).  If the missile path travels through a wall or tree it really doesn't matter, if it is even noticable; the archer is just very skilled and bent-it-like-Robin; this is after all an RPG and with a high enough skill characters should be able to perform heroic deeds.

((Some of us model missile flights in RL, and tried to explain all this on the EL forums, but somebody believed they knew better...))
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« Reply #7 on: 2008-12-03 07:04 (Wed) »

your welcome Wink
i heard something about party leveling , i think this idea would be very nice , then you can take on a high level creature together ;-) but will there be a diffrent chat for your party ? and will you have to leave your guild to join a party ?
and if so how will the xp + items be divided ?
and will there be any spells for party boost  or healing like , party heal all party members who are in sight   will get 20 % of their health bar back or boost like all party members get + 2 attack or so ...

a lot of questions lol xD but the more questions + suggestions the better the game gets Smiley

Greet Z
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« Reply #8 on: 2008-12-03 18:25 (Wed) »

Ya i also lol'd quite a bit at the way archery was implemented in EL... i like my FPS's FPS... and my RPG's RPG Cheesy

Our current plan of implementation is along the lines of what you're suggesting Wink

The party system is something we want to work very well, i believe it could provide very enjoyable gameplay. That said, we're not really even close to implementing it yet... some of your questions are kinda suggestions in themselves, we'll discuss it more in-depth a little further down the track. Feel free to post any specific suggestions or ideas in relation to it now though Smiley

"Often, the most striking and innovative solutions come from realising that your concept of the problem was wrong." - Eric S. Raymond
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« Reply #9 on: 2008-12-04 06:15 (Thu) »

Ok what i would suggest for the party is ,

1) there should be a total party level , all members gain xp , but only take the xp from 1 member for the party level, that's how to level it , when reached level 10 or so the party leader gets 1 party point and can use it for boosting the party or party heal or so wich he can use every 1-2 min or so but also on level 15 , 20 you get points so after a while you party gets really powerfull in boosting skills etc but when at those high boosting skills the cooldown gets more , after a while party will get powerfull and you can take on even stronger enemies

2) when in a guild you can still join a party , else it gets really difficult

3) when the monster drops money it gets devided under the players so,just an  example : rabbit drops 100 gc when with 2 each get 50 , when with 5 each get 20 and so on , party system is mainly for xp not to get rich (my opinion) with items just let it be a random, then player 1 gets it then player 2 ..... maybe you can do this aswell for the money don't know

4)when multi attacking a monster i think the damage has to go to the guy who attacked first , or the weakest ,  weakest armor , one of those :p

5)for the xp i would just devide it like when you normally fight the monster alone you get 100 xp when at party you get 60-80 or so

6)party system should have a diffrent chat like the general/market channel just with @ but instead of white use yellow or so , so you can really see the difrrence between the party / general/market channel

7)party can only be created by a person that has arround same you need for guild + for creating party it costs 5 k or so , also you can only join a party when you reached a certain level else you have a level 70 and his friend is only 10 or so then he uber levels without having to heal or do anything

Cool i think party should also be when party leader is 80 only levels 70-90 can join so all arround same levels

9) you can make few quests for party's like for completing the quest you need a party that is level 20 + and kill powerfull animal/monster together

Greetz Z
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« Reply #10 on: 2008-12-04 17:15 (Thu) »

1) there should be a total party level , all members gain xp , but only take the xp from 1 member for the party level, that's how to level it , when reached level 10 or so the party leader gets 1 party point and can use it for boosting the party or party heal or so wich he can use every 1-2 min or so but also on level 15 , 20 you get points so after a while you party gets really powerfull in boosting skills etc but when at those high boosting skills the cooldown gets more , after a while party will get powerfull and you can take on even stronger enemies
5)for the xp i would just devide it like when you normally fight the monster alone you get 100 xp when at party you get 60-80 or so
The combat exp system works in such a way that one gains exp on their offensive skill based on the damage they do, i like this system and i don't think it could be any more fair.

I do very much like the idea of 'Party Experience' and a 'Party Level' that will offer some bonuses as it gets higher Smiley

2) when in a guild you can still join a party , else it gets really difficult
Ya, i agree.

3) when the monster drops money it gets devided under the players so,just an  example : rabbit drops 100 gc when with 2 each get 50 , when with 5 each get 20 and so on , party system is mainly for xp not to get rich (my opinion) with items just let it be a random, then player 1 gets it then player 2 ..... maybe you can do this aswell for the money don't know
Hmmm drops going straight into inventory (in general, and obviously divided up if in a party) is perhaps a good idea, i'll need to think on it for a while and consider the downfalls (if any).

4)when multi attacking a monster i think the damage has to go to the guy who attacked first , or the weakest ,  weakest armor , one of those :p
Ya we're still not completely decided on that yet...
The fact a summoner wont be able to mass summon weak creatures (like in EL) means keeping it like EL may be ok.

6)party system should have a diffrent chat like the general/market channel just with @ but instead of white use yellow or so , so you can really see the difrrence between the party / general/market channel
I agree Smiley

7)party can only be created by a person that has arround same you need for guild + for creating party it costs 5 k or so , also you can only join a party when you reached a certain level else you have a level 70 and his friend is only 10 or so then he uber levels without having to heal or do anything
As i said above, we wont be awarding exp to character skills based on the party's accomplishments, so this is np, i dont see why newbies shouldn't be able to make parties Wink

9) you can make few quests for party's like for completing the quest you need a party that is level 20 + and kill powerfull animal/monster together
Yep. In fact, we plan to have quests that would need mixers with certain skills to complete.

"Often, the most striking and innovative solutions come from realising that your concept of the problem was wrong." - Eric S. Raymond
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« Reply #11 on: 2008-12-04 22:33 (Thu) »

bit more about the party , when will the party be disbanned and can someone else take over the command over the party

i would suggest 24 hours / and yes with permisson oF The leader of the party

something diffrent now what about the running in the game , because accetuly i don't like the walking in el way too slow and kinda robot moves :p

maybe later you can add second classes ( i mean when you are a warrior/fighter you can upgrade to a knight or paladin (just example) when you reach a certain level ofcourse  , or new class like assist or so , an assist could heal,boosts,fight with sword , staff but have weaker stats on weps and staffs the n a mage / fighter  assist is more for the ppl who liek to help others and would be an advantage at party's

Greetz Z
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« Reply #12 on: 2008-12-05 02:16 (Fri) »


In EL they dont have 'Jobs'
if you look on Maple Story they do...
might be nice.. like Zorro said about the Paladin and Knight stuff you can choose to become a few jobs.
Mage, Ranger, Warrior, Allrounder ( just a few skills of the other jobs, these really get a boost on th alc manu pot etc)
leave the manu, alc, pot etc for all jobs only allrounder gets boost as I wrote above

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« Reply #13 on: 2008-12-06 04:57 (Sat) »

I've got an idea Tongue
I thought it might be nice to have boosts and negative boosts depending on which Race you choose
Dwarves are slower, Elves are faster, Humans are not as fast as Elves but are quite fast too, gnomes are a little bit faster than dwarves and dreagonies and orchans are as fast as humans...
something like that but just the thing that it does matter which race you choose


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« Reply #14 on: 2008-12-07 17:45 (Sun) »

I've got an idea Tongue
I thought it might be nice to have boosts and negative boosts depending on which Race you choose
Dwarves are slower, Elves are faster, Humans are not as fast as Elves but are quite fast too, gnomes are a little bit faster than dwarves and dreagonies and orchans are as fast as humans...
something like that but just the thing that it does matter which race you choose


No Tongue

I don't think people should be pre-oriented a certain way just because they wanna be an elf or w/e

"Often, the most striking and innovative solutions come from realising that your concept of the problem was wrong." - Eric S. Raymond
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