when can we play plx

The current plan was to launch the tech demo this weekend (2008-01-17 pm -> 2008-01-19 pm). Unfortunately Korrode isn't available (and he may not have finished the creature stats... slacker

). As such, we have had to delay until next weekend.
For those who won't be available next weekend however, we are planning on having it up for Wednesday.
NOTE: The current plan is as follows (although we haven't discussed at length so it's only a 95%): This "tech demo" will be a demonstration of the fighting system primarily and is focused only on the melee combat. It will not be online for more that a couple of days. Select people (most likely those already signed up here) will be able to login, harvest food, fight, level up, buy equipment etc.
We would encourage any and all feedback regarding bugs as well as design, implementation and anything else.After this time, the server will most likely be shut down again. The following week (hopefully) it will be restarted for focus on another "system", most likely Ranging. The same process will take place for Summoning and Mage...ing(?).
Once all these systems have been implemented and tested the server can then be launched. Barring any MAJOR modifications in any of the systems, all levels gained, items purchased etc during these "tech demos" will be yours to keep when the main server is launched. Even in the event of the systems being changed, some kind of conversion/compensation will most likely be worked out.