QELServ.Nexuses History

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January 19, 2010, at 03:42 PM by korrode - Removed basically all content as the nexus system is being re-developed
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== How Nexuses Work ==

At the start of the game you are allocated 3 Nexus points to be distributed as you wish, when you wish. Once they have been assigned to a Nexus however, they cannot be removed. The following tables shows how they can be allocated for both Combatant and Peaceful oriented characters:

== Combatant oriented Nexuses ==

''Combatant oriented Nexuses have a range of 0 - 3.''

||'''Primary Character Type'''||'''Nexus'''||

The above Nexuses mainly effect equipment you can use for that category. While most items for a category will require Nexuses, some more basic items from that category will still be usable without.

== Peaceful oriented Nexuses ==

''Peaceful oriented Nexuses have a range of 0 - 1.''

||'''Primary Character Type'''||'''Nexus'''||

The Artificial Nexus defines mainly what you can produce through the various production skills such as Alchemy, Potioning, Manufacturing, Crafting, Engineering and Tailoring. The Vegetal Nexus mainly defines what you can harvest or collect. Some items are also only equipable if you have BOTH the Artificial AND Vegetal Nexuses. All higher level items will require their respective Nexus to harvest or create but some more basic items will still be producable / harvestable without.

== Configuration ==

Players can use the Nexus types above to orient themselves with certain styles of play. For example, a player wanting to be a great swordsman, can simply allocate all three of his Nexus points to Human. This will allow his the fullest access to fighting equipment and items. If however, someone would like to concentrate on their production skills such as Potioning, they can allocate a Nexus point to Artificial and Vegetal. They could then place their final Nexus point on Human, to allow them to equip some stronger armor.
== The QELServ Nexuses system is currently being re-developed. ==
October 15, 2008, at 08:11 AM by krayon - Initial import of trac wiki content
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= Nexuses =

== Introduction ==
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== How Nexuses Work ==

At the start of the game you are allocated 3 Nexus points to be distributed as you wish, when you wish. Once they have been assigned to a Nexus however, they cannot be removed. The following tables shows how they can be allocated for both Combatant and Peaceful oriented characters:

== Combatant oriented Nexuses ==

''Combatant oriented Nexuses have a range of 0 - 3.''

||'''Primary Character Type'''||'''Nexus'''||

The above Nexuses mainly effect equipment you can use for that category. While most items for a category will require Nexuses, some more basic items from that category will still be usable without.

== Peaceful oriented Nexuses ==

''Peaceful oriented Nexuses have a range of 0 - 1.''

||'''Primary Character Type'''||'''Nexus'''||

The Artificial Nexus defines mainly what you can produce through the various production skills such as Alchemy, Potioning, Manufacturing, Crafting, Engineering and Tailoring. The Vegetal Nexus mainly defines what you can harvest or collect. Some items are also only equipable if you have BOTH the Artificial AND Vegetal Nexuses. All higher level items will require their respective Nexus to harvest or create but some more basic items will still be producable / harvestable without.

== Configuration ==

Players can use the Nexus types above to orient themselves with certain styles of play. For example, a player wanting to be a great swordsman, can simply allocate all three of his Nexus points to Human. This will allow his the fullest access to fighting equipment and items. If however, someone would like to concentrate on their production skills such as Potioning, they can allocate a Nexus point to Artificial and Vegetal. They could then place their final Nexus point on Human, to allow them to equip some stronger armor.
October 13, 2008, at 01:25 PM by krayon - Initial stub
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[[QELServ | ''QELServ'']] nexuses are used to give your character certain abilities like in [[http://www.eternal-lands.com/ | Eternal Lands]].